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When Did Social Security Start?

The briefings were as informative as contracting specialist can make them and many questions were answered. The only difference now is that the REF is providing an “Operational Energy Specialist” to selected outposts. Why is the REF still doing this after six years? Unfortunately,the REF briefing was not about village power. It was about setting up a FOB to provide village stability (security) in austere conditions, not providing power to villages. 2,000 adjusted for inflation, would reduce the usefulness of the system, which in turn would endanger it to elimination as the popularity of social security is its greatest strength. So there are still some Federal employees, those first hired prior to January 1984, who are not participants in the Social Security system. Let’s get back to the business of ball, er, I mean, energy security. Go back and read the reports we created for the Army in 2006, 2007 and 2008. Read the reports written for the USMC in 2009 and the USAF in 2010. It is the same stuff.

The same contractors are milking the same system instead of finding ways to make the acquisition system work. Perhaps I am, but I hate to see money spent on doing the same thing over and over again. O.K., I am almost over the loss to Navy….almost. The Office of Chief Actuary is good but the validity of projections that far out is limited since they are based in good part on guesswork about how the economy will go over long periods of time. Astrue has Gerry escorted out of the building by a security guard. Many were not. The desire for a number of the industry attendees was to find team partners, but the Corps folks hadn’t figured that out. Our team of intelligence analysts focus on the risks, threats and other developments that may impact the company’s people, assets, operations or reputation. A woman may be compromising her younger days to care for a significantly older guy who is getting older quickly, however if she is confident that it is true love, she will enjoy every minute of their life together.

The challenge will be in being compliant. I am often accused of being critical (overly?) of DOD efforts in operational energy. Being pro-active rather than re-active to emerging security issues is a fundamental belief at NETGEAR. While security seminars and education efforts teach cataclysmic results of security breaches, “New School” demonstrates the need for collecting data to assess the threat in a scientific manner. With the right service provider, you will not have to wait much in order to get the right results. Ms. Burke and the senior Service energy gurus will keep up the fire, but with budget cuts, Afghan drawdown and a new SecDef, it will be hard to pick the signal from the noise. With everything else that DOD has on their plate, I fear that energy will lose its luster. 15B DOD energy budget will be a subject during the hearing. Excellent piece by Annie Snider in E&E about Senator Hagel’s nomination and the implication for DOD energy efforts.

With Senator Inhofe as the Senate Armed Services Committee, it might be a bit contentious. Organizations should be able to predict where most threats might occur, and how they might impact the business. CCTV cameras installed at the workplaces keep burglars at bay and create an impenetrable shield against the hovering criminal threats. CCTV footage helps to track down such culprits. You can install this software at the main entries and checkpoints to efficiently control the flow of incoming and outgoing visitors. The SAS 70 opinion would essentially say that, yes, the company has achieved its stated control objectives. This is financed through the payroll taxes that are paid by the employees as well as the employers when they were still working for the company. The Corps and the Army Energy Initiative Task Force are finding their way, making sure they are as open as they can be and still maintain consistency with the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs).